Jef Aerosol is to France as Barry McGee is to the States: a living legend of street art. He began stenciling in 1982 and has dabbled in nearly every medium since then. From the Lille Art Fair and rock star portraits to spreading his “Sitting Kids” across the globe (I have one in my photo collection), Jef Aerosol is hard to pin down. He was kind enough to share his latest project with us. He writes:

“Hi! I hardly have any time to write now, not even on my own web pages! I am so, so, so busy and overworked right now. Each minute is precious and I work from morning till late at night!”

Thank you so much, Jef! I really appreciate your response in spite of your busy schedule. And finally, for all my Francophone readers, take a look at this clip from France3.
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