Excellent weekend. I met up with old friends for coffee, made some new pals while listening to great music (thanks, John and Jason!), and ran a decent 5k. Now it's back to work on this fine Monday morning. I'm still clinging to the last vestiges of the weekend, but you should start your week with the headlines.

Make your vote count for Bomit Sticker Artist of the Year.
Also in Philly, Photophilanthropy aim to decorate South 27th Street with black and white wheatpastes.
In Scotland, Inverness Old Town Art asked Annie Mars and Jennifer Cantwell to make the town cozier. The result? A massive knitwear initiative.
Don’t be surprised if you see Tyler Durden out in the streets: it’s only an ad campaign for the Fight Club DVD rerelease.
Re-imagine, western Canada’s first street art festival, runs from September 25-26 in Penticton, British Columbia.
The Independent muses about the street art voting proposal in Bristol, England. The rest of the Commonwealth watches and waits.
Apparently, the big question is: will Bristol be the site of the inaugural “Britain’s Got Talent in the Streets?” (I wish I were joking.)
The citizens of Norwich, England, like the makeover their city received from graffiti artists during the latest jam.
At the Crewest Gallery, curator Shervin Shahbazi brings stencils from the streets of Tehran to L.A.
This week on the blogs, Omino71 interviews Bol23.
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