Yesterday, I checked my inbox and was greeted with a note from PaperMonster. Always one to give Illicit a shoutout, he hopes everyone in the NYC area will come check out his latest group show. He writes:
"On November 21st Brooklynite Gallery will open 'Go Get Your Shinebox'. This group show will feature over 100 works from artists all looking to answer the question of how to survive in these economic times by creating their own interpretation of a 'Survival Box.'"
(For those of you that are wondering what the hell a shinebox is, think 1930s Depression-era America. Lots of kids out shining shoes and you had to put your feet up on something, hence shinebox: a portable toolbox and footrest in one. Needless to say, these are some pretty flashy shineboxes.)
"Brooklynite Gallery has commissioned some of their favorite established and emerging artist to take on this challenge and the responses are breathtaking."
"Artists such as Dain, Miss Bugs, PaperMonster, Anthony Lister, Ben Eine, Jace, Thundercut, Skewville, Ben Frost, Jon Burgerman, Specter, Skewville, Know Hope, Kosbe, Gaia, Ben Frost, Hush, and many more have all created a one of a kind box, each taking the concept of the show one step further."
"You can view the entire lists of artists participating and more information by visiting Brooklynite Gallery's site."
Thanks, PaperMonster! For my NYC folks, hit this up! The show runs through December 19, so get your shine on while you have the chance. Tonight, I'm off to see El Ten Eleven in New Haven. If you're there, say hi! I look like...well, like myself. Trust me, you'll know me.
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