Without the brave intervention of Knit The City's Yarn Corps, the city of London would be buried in skeins. According to the collective, they protected the South Bank from a fearsome wooly foe. "We were victorious," the collective reports. "We managed to push him off Waterloo Bridge into the River Thames with our yarnly powers." Thus, Yarn Corps was born and London was safe once again. Hailing from London's shadowy corners, members Deadly Knitshade, Bluestocking Stitcher, Purple Purler, The Fastener, Shorn-a the Dead, Knitting Nina, and Lady Loop create quite the yarnstorm.
While they love to travel, the group freely admits that their home base is their first love. Parliament Square phone boxes, barriers in Convent Garden, and tunnels in Waterloo Station all received snuggly accessories from the crew. Many view their activities as graffiti with yarn, but don't call it "bombing." "We live in a city where 'bomb' is possible not the best word to bandy about," they explain, "even if it is wooly. But everyone likes a yarnstorm!"
The members of Yarn Corps didn't always express themselves through knitting one and purling two. Bluestocking Stitcher scribbled on the walls at home and Deadly Knitshade "illustrated" Mum's books. Eventually, Knitshade decided to use the power of knitting for good, not evil, and recruited like-minded souls for the task. With a heady mix of yarn and pear cider, the group bonded and hit the streets together.
What sets the group apart is the stories behind their projects. "In the Leake Street tunnel, we created a 13-foot long spider web with 44 horrified handmade creatures being eaten by a spider," Deadly Knitshade reports. "Not many people would have seen it buried down there in the graffiti darkness. Perfect spider location, though." Sometimes, yarnstorms lead to rather sticky situations. "We got caught yarnstorming a phone box in Parliament Square," Deady Knitshade says. "I was so proud, I nearly wept." Shorn-a the Dead adds, "We explained sweetly to the police that it was a 'craft' project. Ah craft. It's so snuggly and innocent sounding!"
Once the knitters started yarnstorming, they quickly realized they couldn't stop. Deadly Knitshade admits, "I am subject to unexpected 'knitblasts' at random moments. Terribly embarrassing at parties. The Fastners agrees, "Yarnstorming can be scarily contagious. It would be futile to resist; there is no choice."
With their one-year anniversary quickly approaching, the members of Yarn Corps show no sign of stopping. "I think our work will just develop in the way it wants to develop," Bluestocking Stitcher says. "It has a mind of its own." Creating a wooly wonderland shows that the whole city is a canvas. Staying true to their mission, Yarn Corps wants people to "really take the time to stop and look at what is around them once in a while. And look up! Nobody ever looks up."
Brilliant, guys! Thanks so much for a lovely post. For more cuddly photos, visit their website. I'm off to work, but have a great weekend and get ready for the last three posts of 2009!
Thank yoou for sharing this