When he was 14, Loomit experimented with his first piece. Since then, he's never stopped. His art took him to Saravejo, parts of Australia, and all around Germany. Today, he checks in with some background and a little news of what's to come. He writes:
"I started in 1983 with graffiti and have done it ever since."
"Generally, I like to work with colleagues, especially on large walls. For medium-sized pictures, I also like to be alone to paint."
"My style is characterized by much travel and painting with colleagues. My favorite place to paint is South America."
"The craziest places I ever painted was on the North Brazil Tour in 2006 with Os GĂȘmeos, Isi, Nunca and Coyo. We hung out on the platform from morning til night; there was lots of music and you could see the whole city."
"Right now, I am working on a tour of China."
Wow, Europe, South America, and Asia! You're hitting all the majors, my friend! Thanks for checking in. For more photos and info, take a look at his website.
Loomit conceptual art is incredible! I'm so glad to hear that everybody supports this awesome guy, nice post!