Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year! In the Headlines

The holidays are over and today schoolteachers across America sigh in collective defeat as they return to the school building. I think I've eaten my weight in chocolate and crescent rolls (to the point where I imagine my heart is grossly displeased) and developed an unhealthy addiction to Martinelli's. Anyway, it's the new year and time for some street art news! This week, we've got neat posts coming your way and maybe a fresh surprise if I play my cards right. Here are the headlines for this week.

Coming to a crosswalk near you: Roadsworth makes jaywalking more appealing with his unique take on road paint. Just remember that if you're viewing his stuff, you're probably in the line of oncoming traffic.

Looking back on the year, Nick Walker muses about Banksy's auction block windfall and wonders where street art goes from here.

In the same vein, Black Book explores the growing obsession with Brazilian street art and how the medium is moving from ghettos to galleries.

College students everywhere, take note: Andy Uprock gives you something to do with all those empty Solos after an NCAA Beer Pong Tournament. 

Ray Nolan talks about his big break and what it's like to plaster president-elect Obama's face all over Chicago.

Tomorrow, we'll take a peek at Istanbul and some shots my friend Can snagged.

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