I get e-mails from all over the place, but my favorites are from underrepresented places. The Americas, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand tend to dominate the posts while Africa and Asia remain untouched. That's why I was so excited to hear from Dutch artist Ox-Alien. Today, he tells us stories about his recent trip to Vietnam. He writes:
“I am Ox-Alien, Part of the Lastplak Collective from Rotterdam, Holland. I just came back from Vietnam. I was there for a 3 weeks holiday with my girlfriend. I really loved it and I also painted a few Aliens there. I always do on holidays; you might as well when you are there!”
“I left some of my Aliens in Los Angeles, New York, Vienna, and of course many in Holland.”
“Most walls in Vietnam are dirty and old, so most people don't care if you paint them. It also helps if you drink a few beers before painting..ha..ha! I also took some Lastplak posters with me and put them up in shops, pubs and street corners.”
“I took some pictures of local street art. I saw many ALZO tags (from the GAP-crew, Paris) in Hanoi. I even bumped into a M. Chat piece.”
"I have been painting my Ox-Alien (Ox because of his eyes) for about 6 years now. The Alien is more a replacement for the tags I use to put up, but now people like it because they recognize it. Before that I was painting Graffiti, I still do every now and then. Peace!"
Thanks, Ox-Alien! For more photos, check out his Fotolog online.
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