“Like most other street artists, I doodled since I could walk and see. My elementary school math teacher had grey hairs from trying to convince me to finish the test rather than draw big cars and weird faces in the math book.”
“In ' 03, I finished a degree in arts college here in Denmark. Afterwards, I started working with freelance illustration and a fulltime job in a printing house. When I moved to Copenhagen in ' 05, I discovered that street art is very present here, both in the central city and suburbs. Through street art, I’m expressing my own thoughts and ideas rather than following directions from an editor or an art director. I try to use humour as the common theme of the stickers. Most of them are uniquely cut out from the label sheets I use. As a signature I've chosen to just use the ‘D’ letter.”

“After lots of trial and error, I found a technique that withstands the tough weather and winds of Copenhagen. In the beginning, I used a wide palette of Copic Markers, but I found out that these colors fade after exposure to the sun, rain, and wind. Then, I started applying a spray finisher coat after the stickers were finished, which improved the weather-resistance."

“One of the things that fascinate me is the communication between taggers and sticker artists through their art in the streets. You recognize people's work and stick up next to them. You write an answer to a question or make an "extension" or comment to another person's art statement.”

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace"—Jimi Hendrix
See more of Drumstick’s thoughts and stickers at his"Antiwar/Arts page" on MySpace:
Thank you so much, Drumstick! And to everyone checking in from Denmark, Mange tak, læsere!
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