Once I learn Spanish, I'm going to Chile. With my French background, I'm useless in a Spanish-speaking country. When I went to Barcelona, I was so embarrassed that I preferred miming everything to speaking English. I am jealous of my Spanish-speaking friends who study abroad in places like Argentina and Guatemala. South American countries have always intrigued me, and Chile is definitely at the top of my list. Today's post comes all the way from Santiago. Chilean artist KELP shares his work and a few words with us. He writes:

"KELP.cl is shorthand for: culture of the wall. Strictly speaking, it is the portal that shows how the words ‘graffiti’
and ‘design’ come together. By mixing graffiti and design, KELP illustrates new opportunities and innovative products and services."

For more information visit, http://www.kelp.cl/.
Gracias, Kelp! I like your old-school piece style mixed with bold colors and fresh graphics. Y a todos mis lectores de habla hispana, gracias por su apoyo; se lo agradezco mucho! Tomorrow's post takes us to one my favorite islands in the Pacific. Get ready!
Chile's a rad place Megs! I'm looking at getting back there end of the year/jan. come along and learn some spanish haha!! actually you'd never leave valpo I reckon! hope alls good brah!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Scrim! I'd definitely love to go! With your translating skills, I'll be all set. Hope the job and OZ are treating you well!